New trees planted at Amidaji, construction plan for 2017 and a memorial for the donor of the temple's land

planting a sycamore tree and amaples tree in front of the Hondo(Dharma Hall) These days I planted the following trees, fruits and flowers in Amidaji courtyard:
2 sour-cherry trees, 3 hazel trees, 1 almond tree, 1 peach tree, 2 birch trees, 1 maple tree, 1 ash tree, 1 sycamore tree, as well as five blackberries, five raspberries, three blackcurrant, three redcurrant, seeds of blue morning glory on the west side of the land in the hope that they will quickly cover that fence. I hope all of them will go well. The whole courtyard of the temple will look better when the trees will make leaves.
Sycamore tree and maple treewith the library in the back Th...