POEM: The Perfume

When I traveled to Cuba,
I bought a bottle of perfume in the gift shop at the hotel.
It’s called Coral Negro – “The Black Coral”.
I brought the perfume back to Canada,
And with it, a piece of Cuba in my luggage.
Every time I wear it,
It transports me back to Cuba.
I love its elegant opaque black bottle.
I am seduced by its marine fragrance which makes me think of tropical days by the ocean.
The shore of the Atlantic.
The scorching sun.
The hot sand.
The turquoise water.
The salty taste on my lips.
The breeze in my hair.
The corals on the ocean floor.
The shells on the white sandy beach.
The parties with loud music late at night.
The crazy dancing on the beach.
The sexual energy.
The magnetic attraction.
All in a bottle of perfume.
Autentica Cub