The History of the Diaper

When we think about diapers today, we all imagine extra soft, disposable diapers that protect our baby’s skin, and an image of Pampers probably goes through our mind. However, most of us, if not all, have no idea about the history of diapers. For example, do you know when they were first used or how diapers looked like 50 or 100 years ago?

With that being said, we’ve decided to share with you the history of diapers – from ancient times until today. So let’s dig in.

Diapers Timeline

Ancient Times – During ancient times babies wore animal skins, milkweed leaf wraps, and other resources to make something that functions as a diaper. Parents had to be resourceful and creative to make something from nothing.

In most European societies, babies were wrapped in swaddling bands. Inuits used moss and placed it under sealskin, while the Incas and Native American people put grass below a “diaper cover” which was made of rabbit skin. On the other hand, in tro...