Thoughts at work

It was another normal day at the office, when suddenly I heard a voice:-Engin, you forgot to finish your task, please enter the data in the system, said my virtual assistant.I asked myself, when did the technology has become so much intelligent. The assistant seems to know better than me what I have to do. My mind is limited, I can't remember anything, but this dear friend is taking care of me.-Siri, when is the due date? I asked the assistant .-2 hours are left until the system will shut down, due to technical issues. Please introduce the data.I started to feel more and more comfortable, because Siri made my work really easy.But still I was thinking? Should I feel so comfortable, when this robot is stealing my work?Soon, I will be useless. Anyway, the future is stealing our lives, doesn't matter if I will be left in street without money.I work in a multinational, which is creating robots for rich people.My assistant for the moment doesn't have a body. It ...