We do not rely on personal vows but on Amida's Primal Vow

Last update - January 8th, 2024
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I heard many times the idea that we need to make a vow to be born in the Pure Land. This is said under the influence of various Chinese Pure Land groups that place a lot of emphasis on self-power, a view which is totally rejected in our school. I will state it clearly and I ask all of you to please listen deeply: We do not need to make a personal vow to be born in the Pure Land because birth in the Pure Land does NOT depend on our personal power, but on Amida's Power. This is extremely important - you can be born in the Pure Land by the Power of Amida Buddha, and NOT by your self power! The vows you make have ZERO importance. What matters is that you give up any idea of self power and entrust completely to Amida Buddha. In