What do you do when you've got space on the internal memory

What do you do when you've got space on internal memory - it is a common problem and I am sure that many of you are facing it. I presented the site more ways to recover some space, give or methods that do not yield, depending on the device model or operating system version.Today I installed an application that has consistently impressed me more than ok, we application to submit the following. On my phone I have 16GB of storage and up to now I have not made trouble but gradually the internal memory is filled with movies, music, pictures, applications, etc. and I had to look for a way to recover anything more memory without delete the data on your phone.And to my surprise, I was able to release a lot of memory. Apicatia is called Clean Master and probably many of you know, but they do tutorials for those who do not know ..Application Clean Master (download link at the end of the article) is a very useful free and offers a lot of customization and optimization, with even a widget that