What is the point of joining a union?

My generation, for the first time since the end of World War 2, will be worse off than our parents. As shocking as it is, it is not surprising. The rise of the job agency, which is becoming more and more like the only route to employment, keeps young workers on an unlivable, minimum wage. Many young workers can’t afford to move out and get there own place. Prices are rising, but wages are not, and our bosses and their lackies in government are doing whatever they can to drive down wages and cut corners. We all known why they do it, the less they can pay us, the more they can keep for themselves. It is a lot cheaper for construction firms to ignore health and safety rules and hire untrained labour, but this costs hundreds of young workers their lives every year.And what can we do? Complain to a superviser, who is either on 50p an hour more than you but thinks he/she is the biggun or a snivelling jobsworth who won’t think twice about crying to senior managers. What’s the point? I s...