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    Mioara Iacob

    "Blog, Lexis Blogger, blog!" este un site educational inregistrat ca proiect lingvistic-educational in cadrul Zilei europene a limbilor straine. Proiectul se aplica in cadrul Scolilor Lexis, avand ca principal obiectiv formarea unor deprinderi corecte de utilizare a site-urilor sociale si de comunicare prin intermediul blog-urilor. Materialele publicate se adreseaza elevilor cu varste intre 10 - 14 ani care studiaza limbile straine. Textele, jocurile si recomandarile completeaza programa scolara intr-o nota amuzanta, atat pentru elevi, cat si pentru profesori.

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Articole postate de Mioara Iacob

  • Capcanele limbii engleze... 195


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  • World Book Day... 203

    Incepe numaratoarea inversa pana la 7 martie 2013, Ziua Mondiala a Cartii. Profitati de aplicatii gratuite pentru i-Phone, discount-uri si, nu in ultimul rand, de aceasta selectie de jocuri online pentru copii.Games | World Book Day

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  • With my smile I greet, and with my hat I travel... 201

    Who is Miss Highbrow ? Looking at her photo, one might say she was an actress, a cover girl or a TV celebrity.Would you ever believe she's an inquisitive philosopher and curious book lover? Why don't you visit her blog to enjoy her articles and take part in the conversations. You could start with "The bazaar of life": a simple story, but so vivid with descriptions. Read and you'll hear the writer's voice, look at the photos and you'll experience London thru her senses.And just for a change, or maybe

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  • Educatie pentru sanatate... 185

    Have you made your decision what to do after graduating from high school? Are you still tempted to take a year off? What if after a year you want another and another. After a while you might never go back to college.You'd better have a look at this visual story. The infographics (Source:Better Education = Healthier Lives  analyses the impact of education on health. Scientifically and commonsensically, anybody can prove and accept the role of education on improving our lives.Still, some of the results are in contradiction with evidence: the better educated you are, the more you work. Almost all professions are more stressful than physical work: longer hours, higher responsabilities and expectations. What is the situation in your country? Do the research results apply?If you live or have information about Romania, you can visit and comment on

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    Exam level: Preliminary, (PET), First (FCE), Advanced (CAE)CEFR level: B1-C1  Skills practised: Reading ...

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  • Monkey Puzzles... 196

    Exam level: Young Learners (Starters, Movers, Flyers)CEFR level: A1-A2Skills practised: Reading ...

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  • Latest UPDADES... 172

     Are you an auditory or visual learner? There are no such distinct styles. Anyway, if you have a preference for watching movies, looking at pictures or listening to the teacher rather than writing or reading when you study, then, you might belong to either of these two categories.You will definitely retain more information using these types of visual aids. Whether you are a teacher or a student, you'll probably find my selection useful. For more episodes of the video lessons, please go to Extra Learning English or Popeye the SailorLearning English is Fun  (Episodes 1, 2, 3) - recommended level A2+As a music lover you can either watch the original band's video or just listen to the track and read the lyrics.

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  • What's on your bedside table? (1)... 197

    Winter is here in Bucharest with everything we hate: temperatures below freezing, dirty snow, slippery pavements, bumps and bruises, aggressive drivers stuck in traffic jams. Another dusting of new snow is expected next week.But at home, at home we have everything we love: family and friends, a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, our favourite tea, the cosy sofa.Sometimes you come back home, put your cold feet into your fluffy slippers and realize something's missing. A good book is  missing, or a stack of books.                                                                                       By the way, what are you reading t

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  • Updates you might have missed... 231

    ACADEMY ISLANDPractice your English with Cambridge games.- Level: Exam level: Preliminary, (PET), First (FCE), Advanced (CAE)- CEFR level: B1-C1- Skills practised: Reading ...

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  • New Café on the Block... 200

    Statiscs say the following about the Romanians."As for their leisure time activities, 81.5% never goes to theatre, 77.1% states that going to cinema is not a habit for them, meanwhile 48% goes out in discos on regular basis. 39% never reads books and 41% does not practice any sport. Seems like the only constant activity is watching television, as 63% declared." Source (2007): CafeBabel.com                                                                         The above figures have been changing dramatically in the past years. The capital city offers a generous list of attractions for theatre-goers, book-hunters, music lovers or for social interaction.

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  • Romania's National Holiday... 198

    Fii sincer: ce inseamna 1 decembrie pentru tine? If you are Romanian, have you ever asked yourself this question? If you live abroad you must have strong feelings for Romania and I applaud you for this.Whoever you are, wherever you live in the Global Village, please read this post in Romanian or enjoy some of Romania's most beautiful places through a photo tour.http://lexisscoli.blogspot.ro/2012/11/fii-sincer-ce-inseamna-1-decembrie.htmlHappy National Day!

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  • Blended learning - a solution... 290

    Created by Knewton and Column Five Media ...

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  • Mondays with Crazy English... 194

    Learning English is fun. I've given you plenty of examples. Here's another one: spoonerisms. They are slips of the tongue due to inattention, insufficient knowledge or a deliberate play on words.                                        Source: http://www.crosswordunclued.com/This tendency to switch consonants and vowels is manifest with little kids, but adults are also prone to this impediment. This tendency was named after the Reverend William Archibald Spooner  who was famous for this tendency. According to Wikipedia the fo

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  • How to Write an Argumentative Essay... 176

    If you have just started preparing for an exam or doing your homework, here's a good video to watch. It provides good practice for listening and note-taking, so teachers can use it as a class activity, as well.Start with this introduction:and then go to the next video:How to Write an Argumentative Essay

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  • Bastilia 2012 - Condamnaţi la lectură... 247

    Dacă ai trecut prin Piaţa Romană, venind dinspre Universitate, ai zărit cu siguranţă o vilă somptuoasă care te întâmpină cu distincţia caracteristică fostului Mic Paris. Din goana maşinii nu ai timp să admiri decât arhitectura clădirii care se încadrează în stilul neo-romanesc. Treci cu vederea detaliile bizantine şi elementele decorative româneşti, grabindu-te spre locul tău de munca dintr-un bloc de birouri sau spre casa proaspăt echipată cu sisteme audio şi vedeo, gadget-uri şi mobilier ultra funcţional.Nici nu-ţi dai seamă că de fapt trăieşti şi lucrezi într-o temniţă de termopane şi-ţi bei cafeaua sub un bombardament electronic, unde stresul te încătuşează şi câmpul magnetic creat de boxe, monitoare, telefoane et

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