• Bonprix - este vremea trench-urilor | Deebs blog... 236

    • Moda
    • 08-10-2023 11:42

    In sfarsit a venit vremea trench-urilor ? Voua va plac? Eu una mereu am fost fana lor, mai ales toamna cand e vremea perfecta pentru layering. Acum sa tina vremea buna si zilele senine toata luna lui Octombrie sa le putem purta.

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  • POEM: The Teddy Bear... 169

    • Moda
    • 08-10-2023 03:55

    I used to be a boy’s best friend.I was his birthday gift when he turned five. He loved me instantly, And we became friends for what I hoped to be forever. He called me Teddy. I was a big Teddy bear, And I was a big part of the boy’s life, Both literally and figuratively. For years, I had been his best friend. Mom and Dad got him a double bed just so that I could always be close to him, And he could hug me whenever he wanted a hug. When he was happy, I was happy. When he was sad, I was there to comfort him. My soft heart was his cushion. Year after year I watched him grow. Going to school. Learning to bike. Making friends. Playing basketball. And I loved him all the same. Every time he made a new friend, I was happy for him. I was ne

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  • Happy Thanksgiving!... 196

    • Moda
    • 07-10-2023 03:55

    The long weekend is here, and I would like to wish everyone a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving filled with love and happiness. May the warm glow of autumn surround you and your loved ones as you celebrate the holiday with family and friends. May your blessings be multiplied this year and throughout your entire life.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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  • POEM: Kensington Market... 155

    • Moda
    • 05-10-2023 13:19

    I am in search of inspiration for my next story.I go to Kensington Market to find it. Vintage is a hub of all forgotten stories, And I love uncovering those hidden gems. Kensington Market is the perfect place to find hidden gems. I take a stroll along Kensington Avenue. There are dozens of vintage shops along the street. I take the time to browse each of them. I am fascinated by the stories of the past. Flapper dresses, mink coats, purses, necklaces, bracelets, jewelry boxes, candle holders, chandeliers, old magazines, portraits from other times. Each of the items from the vintage market tells a story. I love imagining those stories. A Fendi bag in one of the vintage shops calls my name. It may be some decades old, but it’s still in good shape. I think of the woman who wore it and loved it before me. Her name was

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  • POEM: The End of Summer... 164

    • Moda
    • 30-09-2023 03:58

    Red leaves on the ground.Summer leaving, Seasons changing, Fall coming. Sixty days of hot summer in the country of the maple tree, And now it’s mid-September, And today is the last day of summer. My darling, beautiful, adored summer, Where are you going? I don’t want you to leave. I’m not ready to let you go just yet. I still want to hold your hands, Hug you tight, Kiss your peachy cheeks, Caress your flowing hair. I still want us to wear floral dresses, Run with our bare feet on the beach, Swim in the blue sea. I want us to watch the moon and the stars While lying down on the soft sand. I want us to go with the car windows open And listen to loud music while on the road. I want you to sing along with me. I want you to be my be

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  • Avantajele unei palarii barbatesti... 149

    • Moda
    • 27-09-2023 06:27

    Chiar daca in ultimii ani palariile au devenit un accesoriu tot mai iubit si de apreciat de catre femei, trendurile si-au facut aparitia si in…...

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  • POEM: The Last Phone Call... 157

    • Moda
    • 18-09-2023 02:40

    I called my mother on an early spring day to ask her how she was.She wasn’t feeling well, And I didn’t keep her on the phone for too long. I just wanted to hear her voice, Then I went about my day. And she went about hers. Or so I thought. In fact, it was her last day. Hours later, I got the phone call. The one that said it had been her last day. She is in a better place now. I kept replaying the phone conversation from the morning in my head. Thank God for that last phone call!!! I will cherish the memory of that phone conversation forever. Had I not called my mother that day, I would have regretted it for the rest of my life. The feeling of guilt would have never left me. I got to say the last goodbye. I will always love you Mom. The last phone call.

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  • Amazing Toronto... 194

    • Moda
    • 14-09-2023 03:05

    Last week I attended a TIFF related event downtown Toronto. Every time when I go downtown, I see the City of Toronto with new eyes and it inspires me in new ways. I love photographing it to death, and I always do when I get a chance. This time was no exception. It was a gourgeous sunny perfectly cloudless day, and I took a few shots on Front Street West where I attended the event. I would like to share some of those pictures in my today's essay, I also shared them on Instagram a few days ago. Enjoy!

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  • Shopper bags with glitter ? Vali ?? Cristinel ?? Maria ??? 195

    • Moda
    • 12-09-2023 08:06


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  • POEM: The Bookshelf... 158

    • Moda
    • 09-09-2023 15:17

    My bookshelf is my retreat.It’s what brings me solace and comfort every day. I show love to my books every day. I love spending time with them, Browsing through them, Making the next reading list for my nightstand. I love keeping my bookshelf in pristine and impeccable order. Each tome holds its orderly place on the shelf, Following the alphabet, Just like in a library. There are two alphabetical rows for my books. One for the books that I have read and loved, And one for those that I am yet to read and love. The books, once read, Take a supporting seat in the back of the shelf. And those that are yet to delight me with their stories Are in the honorary front row, Until their turn comes to join me in my reading nook. It may not look like a rainbow, But it makes the best reading sense to

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