• Muntii Carpati II... 270

    Carpaţii s-au format concomitent cu întregul sistem alpin, în vastul geosinclinal dintre Platforma Rusă (în est), orogenul caledono-hercinic (în vest) şi scutul african (în sud). Începând din cretacic, în formarea Carpaţilor au avut loc mai multe faze de mişcări de înălţare, aparţinând orogenezei alpine.Relieful a căpătat aspectul actual în timpul cuaternarului, dezvoltându-se pe un mozaic de roci (şisturi cristaline, roci vulcanice, roci magmatice şi roci sedimentare).Ca şi în Alpi, Apenini sau Munţii Scandinaviei, în Carpaţi se găsesc numeroase arii cu forme de relief carstic şi calcaros, forme de relief glaciare relicte, un relief structural şi petrografic variat.Cea mai mare diviziune o constituie Munţii Tatra.O mare parte din vestul şi nordul Carpaţilor Vestici Exteriori din Polonia, Ucraina şi Slovacia sunt tradiţional numiţi Beskids.Graniţa geologică dintre dintre Carpaţii Vestici şi cei Estici, parcurge aproximativ linia (de la sud la nord) dintre or

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  • Romanian Carpathians... 261

    Romanian Carpathians are part of the eastern sector of the Alpine mountain system, well individualized by the general direction of the main peaks, the altitude, the massive structure. Resistance to Russian Platform imposed at Carpathian training a northwest direction from north to south south easterly direction and then westward as Hercynic Dobrogea horst.Carpathian average altitude is about 1000 m, height rarely exceeding 2500 m (Bucegi, Fagaras, Parang, Retezatului, Rodna). The Western Carpathians, heights frequently descend the slopes below 800 m (Foreign Moma Mountains, Forest Mountains, Banat, etc.). Width system Carpathian Mountains in Romania varies between 120 km (in Rodna) and 70 km (in the Parang Mountains).Carpathians are characterized by the presence of numerous cross-mountainous valleys and total or partial (Danube, Jiu, Olt, Bistriţa River, Mureş River Quick, etc.). They have 204 million years old.According to geomorphological and geological differences, R

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  • Carpathian Mountains Part II... 250

    Carpathians were formed together with the entire Alpine system, the vast geosyncline of the Russian platform (the east), orogenetic caledono Hercynic (west) and African shield (the south). Since the Cretaceous, the formation of the Carpathians took place in several phases of uplifting movements, belonging orogenezei Alpine.Gained relief appearance during the Quaternary current, growing on a mosaic of rocks (crystalline schists, volcanic rocks, magmatic and sedimentary rocks).As in the Alps, Apennines and Scandinavian Mountains, the Carpathians, there are many areas with limestone and karst landforms, glacial relict landforms, structural and petrographic varied landscape.The largest division is the Tatra Mountains.Much of the Western Carpathians External western and northern Poland, Ukraine and Slovakia are traditionally appointed Beskids.Geological boundary between the Western and the Eastern Carpathians, browse around the line (from south to north) between the town

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  • Is it true?! Sure it is!... 218

    Hello there! Check this out! In this video, there are few simple peoples, from different countries, all over the world, people who are sharing the same idea, the same feeling, the same love for the house music. Thumb up, dudes!

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  • Chris Reece feat. Nadia Ali - The Notice (Official video) 208


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  • Praetor "Eu, Orasul si Strazile"... 169

    start download mp3 ...

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  • Archaeological discovery.... 274

    It discovered a prehistoric circular monument of Stonehenge ten times higher than. The archaeological site is almost 4000 years old.British archaeologists have started unearthing hidden mysteries major excavation of a prehistoric circular monument hidden below ground, about ten times larger than Stonehenge.Marden called Heng, prehistoric structure of 4000 years old, in Wiltshire, covering a total area of 10.5 hectares, the equivalent of ten fields fotbail, the largest of the United Kingdom.English Heritage has already conducted two years of polling activities and topography in the hope of identifying secrets behind the monument as he put the jar on among historians for centuries.

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  • Muntii Carpati I... 275

    Munţii Carpaţi reprezintă un lanţ muntos, aparţinând marelui sistem muntos central al Europei. Carpaţii cuprinşi între Bazinul Vienei (care-l separă de lanţul alpin) şi culoarul Timokului (care îl separă de Stara Planina, în Peninsula Balcanică) formează un arc cu o lungime de 1500 km şi o lăţimea maximă de 130 km, desfăşurându-se pe 6° în latitudine şi aproximativ 10° în longitudine. Se întind pe teritoriul a şapte state: Austria, Cehia, Slovacia, Polonia, Ungaria, Ucraina, România şi Serbia.Carpaţii se înfăţişează ca fiind nişte munţi mijlocii sau scunzi, doar câteva sectoare depăşind 2000 de metri în altitudine.Cel mai înalt vârf al întregului lanţ Carpatic este Vârful Gerlachovský, 2655 m, în Slovacia - Munţii Tatra, iar în România este Vârful Moldoveanu, având 2544 m, situat în Munţii Făgăraş din Carpaţii Meridionali.Spre deosebire de Alpi, Carpaţii au mari depresiuni intramontane, iar culmile lor se prezintă sub forma unor suprafeţe întinse, acoperite cu pajişti.

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  • Chamois, Carpathian coat of arms... 263

    Steep ridges chamois protects wolves, but not by poachers.I was Guţanu in Bucegi, in a place where the path to the slope creep among spruce stands, mountain pine and grassland, and so well camouflaged that no hunting, no hunting is not indifferent to me. Pack of wolves seemed close enough to manage the herd of black goats and I was wondering if and how can I prevent a massacre. For I must admit, though goat hunting by wolves is part of more settled order of nature, I found it difficult to remain completely neutral: chamois is one of my favorites since 1984 and have been involved with the monitoring, restocking and research devoted to this species. But the goats I have saved the dilemma: immediately jumped on a policy difficult to access, where watched with interest his efforts to climb walls wolves. The talented climber of the wolves managed to achieve the policy, but in that moment, several elegant leaps, goats climbed on a porch and more difficult to reach, just above it. Instead

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  • Carpathian Mountains, Part I... 268

    Carpathian Mountains are a mountain range belonging to the great central mountain system of Europe. Carpathian Basin caught between Vienna (which separates the Alpine chain) and lane Timok (which separates it from the Stara Planina Balkan Peninsula) forming an arc with a length of 1500 km and a maximum width of 130 km, taking place on 6 ° in latitude and longitude about 10 °. Covers the territory of seven countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Romania and Serbia.Carpathian mountains appears to be some medium or short, only a few areas exceeding 2000 m in altitude.The highest peak of Carpathian chain is Gerlach Peak, 2655 m, the Tatra Mountains in Slovakia and in Romania is Moldoveanu Peak, with 2544 m, situated in the Fagaras Mountains of Southern Carpathians.Unlike the Alps, the Carpathians have large mountainous and peaks in the form of large areas covered with grassland. Carpathians lies the biggest volcanic chain in Europe. Crystalline a

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