• District 9 (2009) Watch Full Movie... 220

    District 9 has too many gory vaporizations to qualify as a serious statement on race relations, but it does outclank Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen by a wide margin, and you thrill to the cleanly cut action sequences.. In a good summer, there's usually a movie that will come out of nowhere and completely wow us. This is a good summer, and that movie is District 9.. The wonder is that despite its obvious roots, District 9 feels staggeringly original.. The movie falls into the same uneasy cat... 1136608

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  • The Matrix Reloaded (2003) Watch Full Movie... 242

    An ugly, bloated, repetitive movie that builds to a punch line that should have come an hour earlier.. If you're 14 or younger in age or sensibility, you may giggle at some of the bons mots.. Reloaded seems less tired than X2.. A kinetic, digital feat.. A sadder, wiser, more grown-up movie than its predecessor.. Worryingly, the longer this movie goes on, the harder it is to care.. In the face of almost unbearable expectations, the Wachowski brothers deliver a sequel that soars to places only hin... 0234215

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  • Insurgent (2015) Download Full... 237

    A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. Insurgent has more action than last year's debut film, which was modestly titled just Divergent. Action is what you want in a picture such as this, especially when you don't really have ... 2908446

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  • Unbreakable (2000) Download Full... 229

    Unbreakable shows Shyamalan as a rapidly maturing filmmaker, taking risks and making them pay off.. Thrill-kill plots, cardboard characters and zap-pow editing are not for Shyamalan, who takes his good, thoughtful time to snare audiences in his dark web.. Unbreakable is a film that begins with a train wreck and then, figuratively speaking, becomes one.. The presence of pop culture refs via comics makes quite notable the absence of any humor or sense of fun, just as it makes its pretentions to de... 0217869

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  • The Lazarus Effect (2015) Watch Streaming... 292

    Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincing performances.. Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for sure.. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. ... 2918436

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  • Splice (2009) Full Movie Streaming... 295

    . An engrossing, if flawed, techno thriller that never quite goes where expected, and that's what makes it such a pleasant surprise.. ... mining horror out of moral quandary rather than mindless slaughter, Splice occasionally achieves a terrible beauty.. The Cronenberg influence here is evident in Mr. Natali's interest in the body and birth and in an initially subdued, near-narcoleptic atmosphere that helps build a nice sense of foreboding.. This Cronenbergian exploration of the perils of inter-... 1017460

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  • Ziua 3 și încă te iubesc... 207

    Când cea mai bună prietenă a mea ieșise pe ușă cu ultimele bagaje, mă podidise plânsul și mai tare pentru că începusem să realizez ce avea să se întâmple. Mă plimbam prin casa pe jumătate goală doar cu întrebările mele răsunând între pereții săi și știm cu toții că ecoul nu dă cele mai bune sfaturi...I-am văzut lucrurile lui buluc în casă într-o zi de duminică. Am încercat să îi fac loc în dulapuri, dar nu știam cum să reamenajez camera Corinei. Apoi am înțeles și de ce: nu mai avusesem niciodată o sufragerie a mea de decorat. După ce am reușit să mut câteva cutii, ne-am tot urmat unul pe altul cu grijă, cu o anumită teamă parcă de a nu ne sparge la o privire sau o ciocnire în bucătăria minusculă. Am priceput din nou de ce: nu mai stătusem niciodată doar noi doi în toată casă și nu știam în ce încăpere ar trebui să ne petrecem mai mult timp.Către primele nostre nopți reușesc acum să privesc ușurată, deși cuvintele ne ieșeau pe gură cu greutăți de zece kilograme în jurul

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  • Dragonball Evolution (2009) Download Movie... 234

    The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincing performances.. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really ... 1098327

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  • Viata la camin...... 247

    ...inseamna alarma de incendiu la 1 noaptea.Ma bucur totusi ca a fost alarma falsa. ...

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  • nu stiu... 217

    Ma gandeam. Vin, dulce, la tine, sau la mine, sau poate ... Nu! Un pahar, doua pahare, trei paha... Si cum, de poti sa te uiti in ochii lui, atat de tipici si sa nu ma privesti pe mine? Adica, ereai ceea ce credeam o sa-mi fii o viata. Un moment sa mai torn un pahar si continuam ... Gata, scuza-ma. Au trecut ani, ani si eu am ramas in mare parte la fel. Melodiile, gandurile toate imi aduc aminte de tine si ma chinui zilnic sa-mi croiesc o noua inima si sa o modelez dupa ochii unei noi fete. As vrea sa o las, sa-mi fure inima din nou si sufletul si tot ce am mai de pret, dar imi e frica. Mai are ce fura oare? Mai am in mine tot ce e nevoie pentru o noua iubire? Mai am dragoste? Mai am frica? Mai am zambet, ochi si tot  ce tine de mine sa fac zambete pe fata ei? Mai ai ceva in corpul asta lipsit de simtiri?

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