• What does doing business really mean?... 343

    Photo cred: Trey RatcliffThis is a question that I've asked myself for some time now. The business world, the big corporate field seems very appealing nowadays for the young businessman or professional to be. It gives you a steady environment in which you can learn, grow and bring your personal contribution not only to the organization but to the business partners as well. I understand that any company wants to have better and more customers in order to raise capital and profit. The question I have is "Why are people and corporations acting like there is no limit to natural resources?" Without falling into the Greenpeace environmentalist spirit I simply ask you, the reader: "Is the way things have been going for the last fifty years sustainable?"Leaving the Earth's resources

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  • Common mistakes marketers do when using social media 333

    Photo cred: rutloMore and more businesses are using it to get more visibility for their brands or products. But as easy to use as they seem to be, as likely you are to make mistakes that can cost you big money. What differentiates a small business from a big business? Or, better yet, what are the common mistakes your company doesn't want to do when using social media as a marketing tool? Here are some useful tips for you to take into consideration: 1. Master the basics There are a lot of companies that are in their infancy using social media channels to promote th

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  • Promotia de iarna Rompetrol... 315

    Startul s-a dat. Intra in cursa!Alimenteaza de 4 ori in statiile Rompetrol (numerar, card bancar, card Fill&Go Personal), de fiecare data de minim 50 lei, in perioada 15 noiembrie 2010 - 15 februarie 2011 si poti castiga marele premiu: unul din cele 3 BMW seria 3 Performance.Completeaza formularul de inscriere de pe acest site introducand datele de contact, activeaza-ti apoi contul si introdu codurile promotionale in contul tau.SauTrimite codurile prin SMS la 1817, numar cu tarif normal.La 4 coduri trimise, cas

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  • Promotii Rompetrol Shop Noiembrie... 390

    "Savureaza iarna cu Nestea Winter"- Perioada: 01 nov - 30 nov- Mecanism: cumperi Nestea 0,5l lemon & Nestea 0,5l Winter sau Nestea 0,5L peach & Nestea 0,5L Winter si vei primi cadou o rama foto magnetica + un magnet

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  • Promotii Rompetrol Gastro Octombrie... 323

    "Foietaj cu branza dulce 105g + Ciocolata calda 250ml", doar in luna octombrie la numai 7,98 lei Noi si delicioase feluri de mancare. Schnitzel, nuggets si fingers din piept de pui, chiftelute si salate, servite toate in doar 7 minute.Ia-ti cronometrul, pune-te pe man

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  • Promotii Rompetrol Shop Octombrie... 362

    "Prajitura Casei 60g"- Perioada: 01 oct - 31 oct- Mecanism: cumpara un pachet de 2 prajituri Mini (cacao si mere) si primesti cadou o Mini prajitura cu gem de visine ...

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  • Promotie Efix Rompetrol... 343

    "Castiga 40 de litri de efix zilnic!"   Achizitioneaza in cadrul aceleiasi tranzactii  comerciale cu amanuntul (en detail) carburant in valoare de cel putin 50 RON (valoare cu TVA inclus), in perioada 27.09.2010 – 26.10.2010 inclusiv;    Contravaloarea carburantului trebuie sa fie achitata cu numerar, cu orice tip de card emis de o institutie de credit si/sau institutie financiara nebancara, cu un card de comerciant Fill&Go Personal sau p

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  • Promotii septembrie Rompetrol Shop... 364

       “Invinge canicula cu Nestea” -      Perioada: 1 aug – 30 Sept -      Mecanism: cumperi 2 x Nestea Lemon 0.5L sau 2 x Nestea Peach 0.5L si primesti un Nestea Mango&Pineapple 0.5L

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