• Spectacol de teatru si petrecere creativa pentru copii 280

    „Spring is nature’s way of saying, Let’s Party” Robin Williams           Dragi parinti, Va asteptam cu drag si voie buna sa petrecem impreuna, Duminica 15 martie, ora 17:00. Ne intalnim cu mic cu mare, ca de obicei, la cafeneaua “La folie” din Pipera.  Organizare event: Teatru interactiv- “Povestea Primaverii”- 30 minute Atelier creativ- […]

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  • #euneoscourses official webiste with KA1 #ErasmusPlus Courses offer gateway through knowledge for EU Teachers 176

    Today Euneos launch new website http://www.euneoscourses.eu/  for all Erasmus Plus Courses ( 7 main themes and 5 subthemes ) and you can make now preregistration http://euneoscourses.sharedby.co/share/WcEc8eEuneos will give support to teachers / schools who preregister for one or more of our courses. - Interactive video conferences for applicants- Kind of “pre-filled” application form to be adapted by schools into their own settings and context. It will be partly pre-filled but main part should be own personal text of applicants, we can only give general advices and some examples.

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  • Learn English through Sensory Play... 354

    Infant and toddlers learn through touching, smelling, seeing, hearing and tasting!  What is Sensory Play? Sensory play is simply play that encourages children to use one or more of the senses, often called “messy play”. Sensory play experiences, focus on stimulating children’s senses of sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, balance, and movement. Sensory experiences are like […]

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  • Inscriere invatamant primar 2015... 277

    Inscriere in invatamantul primar 2015 Clasa I si clasa pregatioare Pentru anul scolar 2015-2016* perioada inscriere (16.02.2015 - 06.03.2015,)* Informatii parinti Data si locul intalnirii cu parintii (Ziua Portilor Deschise): 12.02.2014 orele 9,00 - 11,00. DESCARCATI- ORDIN nr. 3171/05.02.2015 pentru aprobarea Calendarului și a Metodologiei de înscriere a copiilor în învățământul primar pentru anul școlar 2015-2016

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  • Adultul si greselile lui!... 292

    Uneori, plini de noi, ca adulti, consideram ca avem o singura datorie, aceea de a ne impune/apara ideile, convingerile personale pe baza carora ne-am construit si ne-am dezvoltat ca si pesoane integre, in detrimentul, grav, al adaptarii la situatii noi.Pe fondul experientei personale acumulate pe parcursul vietii noastre, experienta ce de nenumarate ori ne-a scos din situatii critice, putem face una dintre cele mai mari greseli omenesti posibile, refuzul la acceptarea noului si a schimbarii si invatarii permanente!Se spune ca un adult poate oferi indrumare unui tanar fara experienta de viata, si il poate ajuta pe acesta din urma sa invete sa faca diferenta intre aspectele duale a unui singu

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  • Top 10 #GAFE that I use since the begining .I recommand to #googlect who joined #bett2015 and #fetc 179

    Dear teachers who joined #bett2015   and #fetc I used many edtools and Google apps for Education, but now I am proud to be selected from 623 teachers in 111 GCT from Romania http://www.jaromania.org/profesori/pagini/training-9 Now I want to write about 10 Google Apps for  Education :  Google Plus, Gmail, Blogger, Google Chrome, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Toolbar, Google Sites, Youtube .

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  • I wish you all a Blessed Christmas and a Fruitful year 2014 . My top 10in review this awesome year 2014 . 196

    Dear friends I wish you all a Blessed Christmas with peace in your soul and happiness in your heart . May the coming year to make all your dreams come true and all your wishes to be fulfield .Now I invite you to sit near fireplace and listening carols with me and my family and also I invite you to read My top 10 in this awesome year 2014 .imikimi - sharing creativity

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  • Honored to be a expert who participate in NMC Horizon Report Europe 2014 Schools Edition hwo just was released. My reflections after this awesome experience . 178

    The NMC Horizon Report Europe outlines key trends, challenges and technological developments that are likely to have an impact on school education systems. The Horizon Report Europe: 2014 Schools Edition was produced by the European Commission in cooperation with a team led by Inholland University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands) and the New Media Consortium (NMC), a US-based non-profit group bringing together international experts in educational technology. It builds on the NM

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  • #ipad in #education to #mlearning after 4 years. Top 100 #notebook #ipad apps to share knowledge after #iste2014 175

    Dear friends like I write in my blog in previous year, your comments and feed-back is welcome.    I rediscover last year more than 100 edtools , ipad apps using #iste13 hastag  http://bitly.com/iste13edtools but now  when is  organized #iste2014 I @LucianeCurator is social media manager in https://twitter.com/euneoscourses  Since 4 years now, a revolution has been taking place in software development when 1st Ipad by Apple was relased on 3 april 2010 and since then this mobile device evolve and now are more than 1 Milion apps in Apple s

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  • I am #NotAtISTE , but to celebrate #iste2014 from home I launch #startupeuchat . Discover also my Top 100 #edtools from #iste13 183

    Dear friends like I write in my blog in previous year, I rediscover last year more than 100 edtools and ipad apps using #iste13 hastag  http://bitly.com/iste13edtools but now  when is  organized #iste2014 I @LucianeCurator  launch #startupeuchat (a chat for european startup tools and ipad apps ) organized weekly, friday from 7 p.m to 8 p.m to  Bucharest time and I will share here in my blog Top 100 every week . #iste2014 #edchat

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