• I wish you all a Blessed Christmas and also a fruitful year 2014 174

    Dear friends I wish you all a Blessed Christmas with peace in your soul and happiness in your heart . May the coming year to make all your dreams come true and all your wishes to be fulfield .Now I invite you to sit near fireplace and listening carols with me and my family and also I invite you to read 2013 year in review when I will share my favorite 500 edtools this year because I post monthly in this blog Top 100 and weekly Top 20 . 

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  • Winter 2014 EFL Courses and Seminars in Athens, Greece 158

    Dear Colleagues, Below are the announcements of the ETC  Winter 2014 Schedule. We start the New Year with the introductory/refresher Course for ELT professionals who desire to extend their teaching expertise: The "EFL METHODOLOGY UPDATE COURSE", taking place on alternate Sundays, 10am - 2:30pm. The first session i

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    După succesul de care s-a bucurat anul trecut proiectul "Sărbătorile de iarnă văzute prin ochii copiilor", ediţia din acest an a reuşit să stârnească din nou interesul preşcolarilor şi micilor şcolari. Aceştia au aşteptat cu nerăbdare să împodobească brăduţii pregătiţi în parcul din faţa primăriei luduşene. Podoabele au fost realizate de copii, aceştia etalându-şi imaginaţia, creativitatea şi originalitatea. Ajutoare le-au fost doamnele educatoare şi învăţătoare care i-au însoţit pe copii şi în ziua desfăşurării concursului

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    ...s-a desfăşurat în data de 12.12.2013 la Casa de Cultură "Pompeiu Hărăşteanu" din Luduş. Protagonoşti: preşcolarii de la toate grădiniţele din oraşul Luduş, însoţiţi de doamnele educatoare şi părinţi. Nu putea să lipsească Moş Crăciun care a urmărit cu atenţie spectacolul susţinut de micii colindători, iar la sfârşitul programului i-a răsplătit pe toţi colindătorii cu dulciuri şi diplome. Prezent la eveniment, domnul Moldovan Ioan Cristian - primarul oraşului Luduş, a felicitat copiii, cadrele didactice, organizatorii şi părinţii implicaţi.

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  • Best 150 #edtools in #eddies13 :50 best free #education web tools and 100 #mlearning apps 183

    Hi and welcome . After in my previous post here I nominate again my favorite in Edublog Awards, now I want to share with you Best 150 edtools in #eddies13 selected by teachers worldwide . This year Edublogs use my favorite lists curation tool Listly  for all finalists  and now everyone can vote for his favorite .Before to read about all this awesome edtools and apps I recommand to read https://lucianecurator.contently.com/ blog posts this year:Top 100 #websummit startup tools who can disrupt Social Media world http://bitly.com/top100websummitstartup  ; Top 100 edtools discover at #iste13  http://bitly.com/

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    După ce în luna iunie a acestui an s-a dat în folosinţă parcul de joacă destinat preşcolarilor de la Grădiniţa "Căsuţa fermecată" din Luduş, un nou loc de joacă dotat cu balansoare, turnuleţ şi topogan, groapă de nisip, a fost amenajat şi dat în folosinţă în curtea Grădiniţei cu Program Prelungit nr. 1 Luduş - structură a Grădiniţei "Căsuţa fermecată". Cei peste 130 de copii preşcolari se pot bucura de la începutul lunii noiembrie de ac

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  • #eddies13 celebrate 10 years . Here are my Top 20 nominations 171

    Now into the 10th year teachers worldwide are nominalized . Before to read all my nominations I recommand to read https://lucianecurator.contently.com/ blog posts this year : Top 100 #websummit startup tools who can disrupt Social Media world http://bitly.com/top100websummitstartup and Top100 #edtools discovered through #iste13 http://bitly.com/iste13edtools 

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  • Are you a teacher?... 179

    Post by I Appreciate Teachers. ...

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  • "Selfie" beats "Twerk"... 168

    LONDON (Reuters) - "Selfie" - a self portrait usually on a smartphone or webcam - was selected word of the year on Tuesday by the Oxford Dictionaries, based on a 17,000 percent rise in its usage from a year ago. It evolved from a social media buzzword to mainstream shorthand for a self-portrait photograph and its popularity is based on research done by Oxford Dictionaries editors. From "Selfie" other news words appeared:"helfie" for a picture taken of someone's own hair "belfie" for taking a picture of your own posterior "drelfie" for a self portrait while in a drunken state. A new infographic will soon be produced for the new 2013 most popular words. Till then, here's the one for 2012: [Infographic provided by Grammar.net]

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  • Jack Scholes in Romania... 176

    Jack Scholes was born in England and has over 40 years experience in the field of English language teaching. He has been teaching and giving presentations around the world including England, Germany, Nepal, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina and Brazil. Post by Lexis Scoli de Limbi Straine.

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