• Gilly the Bard and the Quest for Cif... 258

    Gilly the Bard was a merry fellow,His hair was green and his teeth were yellow.Fiddling fiddlers all day longWhispering stories of ages far goneLost in between reality and songWith all of it, he was done !"Indeed!" The bard screamed to the old man. "Don't lie, don't say you know it all!""Well, well, let us not lose our temper, now." The old man said in a very relaxed manner. He was a Fuzzy Furball and Fuzzy Furballs are always over-excited about the most peculiar things when they are young, and even when they grow old, they still have that foolish over-joy, but they are relaxed... much more relaxed and gentle."I'm tired of this! All I've ever done was drink tea and cheap wine, fool around with servant girls in the inns and sing about all sorts of crazilly glorious things to entertain drunkards in taverns. I deserve no glory ! I want to go back to all of that.""He--he-hehe-he-he! He!" Fuzzy Furballs had a very annoying laugh and not even Gilly, wh

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  • Fires of Heaven... 262

    You can twist the name of the Ages,You can turn or burn them like pages!From the hollows - Your horrid scream follows,Being driven, by unholly sorrows!- Dive into the Clouds -You color them bloodly- Shaking lower grounds -And breaking them Godly- Everlasting Might -This time around we run, not fightFor we see it all!All the world be scorchedAll our dreams are torched- Oh, here's the Ravens ! -Being fed... - by the Fires of HeavenAnd here's a note about this piece. It was thought of as a Heavy Metal anthem for the Dragon Reborn, Rand al' Thor, main character in The Wheel of Time series. The title is actually the one used by the author, Robert Jordan, on his 5th volume of The Wheel of Time.

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  • Hey Soul SIster !... 340

    Man, I just love this one. It always amazes me the student life in other countries and as mizerable as this makes me feel, I still love the clip and the song. It is very dynamic and it managed to hold my interest, until the end, which is quite rare.Behold !

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  • Iris Iris Iris ! 06 Iunie 2010... 263

    Da, da, da eu stiu! Iris e clar cea mai buna formatie din Romania si trebuie sa recunosc ca nu ma asteptam sa ii vad atat de "in forta" aseara!Inca ma doare gatul, atat de la cantat, cat si de la zbenguit. Si ma incanta acest lucru, pentru ca asta inseamna de obicei ca am fost la un concert foarte bun.A inceput destul de tarziu concertul si am fost putin nemultumit de faptul ca s-a facut prea multa reclama concertului Iron Maiden. M-i s-a parut a fi o mica lipsa de respect fata de Iris.Au aparut pe scena, acompaniati de batai frenetice din palme si urlete, toata lumea fiind nerabdatoare si abia asteptand sa sune riffurile si tobele. Partea cu

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  • Everybody loves 'em... 264

    A new one for you ;)...

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  • Yo Dawg I Herd You Like TNT... 263


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  • Babel Story . Com - Social Writting on the Web!... 273

    How many of you have tried this out? No, not babel story.com, I'll get to that, but I'm talking about starting a story and then having your friends continue it. We used to play games like this when we were away on trips and even just for fun, while grabbing something to drink.Now you can do this online, with a lot of different other people, on a very good platform, that allows users to connect to one another, to share and of course to start their very own stories or simply to continue other's.There are a lot of languages and topics available on the website, as well as genres. You can follow a story, so that you're always updated upon how it's contin

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  • Asta merge pe Bloguri! Google stie adevarul despre Florin Salam! 271

    Deci, care deci sunteti, deci uitati aici ca Google chiar stie multe si tocmai mi-a confirmat o teorie pe care o aveam de ceva vreme, cum ca Florin Salam e international (in termeni manelaresti: "mondial") si ca e chiar mai negru decat arata si ca se numeste Akon!Da da, nu radeti! Intrati pe translate.google.com, dati sa traduca din romana in engleza si scrieti "Florin Salam". Apoi, veti vedea adevarul!Hai ca am ras bine, v-am pupat!PS: dati mai departe pe bloguri, cat e cald!

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  • Prezentari carte - fragmente - flyere... 256

    Urmareste proza scurta | scenarii | carte...

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  • Orriana, sotia mea... 262

    Orriana Leul din Belfort! fragment din "De vorba cu sotia mea!" litera O -- Orriana de Krewynski Eram organizaţi ca-ntr-o bază militară, corturile închideau un cerc în mijlocul căruia se afla o masă de campanie, adică un platou de lemn aşezat peste nişte pietre. Noi stăteam pe jos, pe pământul roşu şi uscat, trăgând din pipe. La masă, aşezat pe un scaun, stătea poştaşul. Avea pe cap un chipiu cu poştalionul american. Cine ştie ce făcuse pentru el? Ce să caute poştalionul american în torida Africă? - Ai fost în America? m-am trezit eu întrebându-l. - Nu domnule. Şapca mi-a lăsat-o un american la expediţia

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