• Hurts... 228

    "Never give up, it's such a wonderful life."If I turn back in my past and remember things that happened and affected me , maybe I would start to cry  or maybe I feel nothing.For my past love stories, when I remember I feel nothing. It's like I see a movie in which I  was not the main character. But for the memories I had with somebody who is still in my life, for example my parents, I will remember and maybe cry for hours, or for days.When somebody tells you, that you have a problem, maybe you would reflect for a moment and forget about this chapter quickly. If more close persons would tell you that you have a problem, then maybe your heart will broke in pieces and maybe you will forget to breath or to live for a moment.Bad words could be like swords and wounds will always leave behind signs.Or maybe you will start to convince yourself that you really have a problem, and behave like this.People are always comparing yourself with others, you are never good en

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  • Brand-ul nostru este suferinta... 158

    Partea I Partea II ...

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  • Ce ai putea face in 2 saptamani?... 283

    Salut! Lumea din jurul nostru evoluează repede, noi aptitudini îți sunt cerute și cunoștiințe pe care nu știi de unde să le însușești. Nu vreau să spun că sistemul de învățământ nu te învață nimic folositor, însă nu ne învață deprinderi practice, iar pe deasupra nu ține pasul cu evoluția tehnologică. Astfel, facultățile au început […]

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  • Ce zic absolvenții noștri...... 255

    „Excelent!” „Fabulos!” „Minunat!” „Extraordinar!” „Fantastic!” „Nu-mi vine să cred!” „M-am descoperit!”  ...acestea sunt doar câteva din expresiile auzite de la absolvenții SILVA IMMERSION - „Cursul de 4 zile care îți schimbă definitiv viața în bine!”  În weekend-ul trecut, o nouă serie de „silviști” a pornit spre lume. Îi felicităm pe noii absolvenți și le mulțumim pentru participarea și contribuția la crearea unor oameni mai buni pentru lume și a unei lumi mai bune pentru oameni!

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  • Manual pentru colapsul sistemului... 247

    Bine te-am regăsit! Ceea ce am simșit și ai simțit și tu despre motivație și dezvoltare personală este cum că ar fi o încercare de a-ți crea o bulă în care să trăiești și din care să îți dai impresia că totul este roz în jur, chiar și dacă situația prezentă nu e bună, măcar […]

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  • In final , totul tine de relatii... 137

    O viata buna se construieste pe relatii bune. ...

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  • Managementul Riscului: Cum? Când? Beneficii... 256

    “Salut! Cum îți merge? Bine, Mulțumesc! Mai bine decât mă așteptam! Ai auzit ce s-a întâmplat la firma colegului nostru? Cum a fost oare posibil așa ceva?” Image courtesy of by Stuart Miles a

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  • next week... 234

    When I were in your arms and you promised me we will see again and when you told me nice things I believed you. We were in the most uncommon situation. Our love was prohibited. Nothing in this world would allow us to be together.I would rather say we were not made for each other. Now you left and let me alone without a word. And now I know you will come back , but not for me, but for work. You will see me at my desk, and you will avoid to look at me. Why? Because you feel ashamed and because you see me as an obstacle . You can't live without me, but also you can't live with me.When you will pass this room, your heart will beat faster, and you will feel like you would prefer to run, but you have to face your fear and enter in this room. You will pray to not see me, you will look straight but to other colleagues, not to me. But still , the destiny will force you to look in my eyes. And then, you will not know what to say, and you will invent something, but something related with

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  • If one day... 166

    "If one day I would sit at the sea relaxed and calm, I could say I am happy. I still don't know if I would prefer to be alone with my thoughts or to be in a good company.Love, passion are old words for me. I am an old man, with old feelings, I could say I barely remember all my experiences.Still, I wish to start dreaming one day. I work hardly, every day and night, and I know it's in vain. My happiness doesn't rely on this, but it's destroyed step by step.I used to be warmed by a smile, I used to dream with open eyes at somebody and now when I try to dream , my mind blocks. I can imagine faces , persons, actions, but I can't feel anything.I created a human being one day, but now I can't recreate myself.I feel enthusiastic only in the presence of my creation.And..oh ,..I was such a passionate man. I used to dedicate my life to love.Now I dedicate my life to sadness and frustration. I am a perfectionists, and I don't stop until I don't succeed.It was you and m

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  • Motive in plus pt. a deveni vegetarian... 137


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